Monday 8 July 2013

2013 Ramadan - Join us to visit a Mosque a day, and every denomination

My fasting and my prayers are my business, and I am accountable for my own actions and not others', none whatsoever.  Here is my schedule for Ramadan this year, the fourth year with an intention to visit every possible Mosque and every possible denomination.However, to encourage understanding of others, I am writing this Blog with the intent of developing Intra-faith relationships. Each one of our denomination sticks to its own folks, and that is just fine, but unless we know about each other, we will always live in myths, distrust, and fear of others, other Muslims in this case. 

Islamophobia is a great example, Muslims know very well that the Neocon fears have no basis, but they simply get hyped up. Phobias do exist, and that is what makes them say stupid things. Aren't Muslims guilty of the same?

The rifts created by a few religious leaders among different Muslim denomination is disgusting, do we need to continue to subscribe to it or cut it out, right now?

If the leaders cannot unite us for doing good, they should not divide us either. Look at the non-sense propagated between Shia, Sunni, Ahmadiyya and others... 

Knowing each other does not imply that you  jump in and do what others do, or denigrate their others practices, it simply means you learn about others and accept them as they are. 

God has created each one of us and asks us know and learn about each other. Knowledge leads to understanding and understanding to acceptance of a different point of view and respecting the otherness of other amounts to honoring God, for it is he who created diversity intentionally. Indeed, knowing each other mitigates conflicts and nurtures goodwill resulting in peaceful societies. (Reference Quraan 49:13).

True fasting is self-purification; and from this, a rich inner life brings about values such as justice, generosity, patience, kindness, forgiveness, mercy and empathy - values that are indispensable for the success of the community.Consciousness of behavior and vigilance over action are the most profound dimensions of fasting: the fasting of the heart focuses on the attachment to the divine.

That is when Ramadan really becomes a source of peace and solace, just as Christmas goes beyond the rituals to bring forth kindness, charity and caring. For fasting to be truly universal, its benefits must extend beyond the fraternal ties of Muslims and must extend to forging a common humanity with others. Fasting is meant to impart a sense of what it means to be truly human, and its universality is reflected by its observance in Bahai, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Sikh, Wiccan, Zoroastrian, other faiths and importantly the native traditions.

This year again,  Insha Allah I will visit different Mosques. Mind you, each mosque within each denomination has slightly different practices, we have to have a big heart to respect their practices, if not what is the difference between you, me and a bigot? 

Alhamdu Lillah, I have been blessed to pray in all the three holy place of Muslims; Mecca, Medina and Aqsa, as well as the dome of the rock, and am looking forward, Insha Allah to visit all the holy Places of Muslims (not necessarily Islam, the religion).

You are welcome to join me by texting or talking at (214) 325-1916, at least an hour before iftaar, as I intend to shut down the phone.


01. Tuesday, July 9 | 5:07 AM - 8:38 PM - Richardson Mosque
02. Wednesday, July 10 | 5:07 AM - 8:38 PM  
03. Thursday, July 11 | 5:08 AM - 8:37 PM
04. Friday, July 12 | 5:08 AM - 8:37 PM - 
05. Saturday, July 13 | 5:09 AM - 8:37 PM
06. Sunday, July 14 | 5:10 AM - 8:36 PM

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