Friday 23 December 2016

Q&A: What is behind the bombings taking place in Turkey?

On Saturday, 17/12/2016 there was a bombing: 13 soldiers were killed on Saturday and 48 others were wounded, including civilians, in a car bomb explosion near the Arges University, located in the state of Caesarea, in central Turkey, according to a statement issued by the Turkish Armed Forces. (CNN Arabic website, 17/12/2016) Two bombings occurred late last Saturday, 10/12/2016 near the Besiktas Stadium Club in Istanbul's city center, which resulted in the deaths of 38 people, including 30 police officers, and the final  death toll rose up to 44 people, the organization called Kurdistan�s Freedom Falcons, claimed responsibility for the previous two blasts. Is it true that they are behind the current bombing? What is the background of this organization? What is the motive behind these bombings? May Allah reward you.

1- As for the Istanbul bombings that took place on 10/12/2016, it was adopted by the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons organization as stated in their declaration:
The Kurdistan Freedom Falcons group emanating from the Kurdistan Workers' Party announced on Sunday its responsibility for the two bombings outside a football stadium in the Turkish city of Istanbul, killing 38 people and injuring 155 ... In a statement on its website the group, that claimed responsibility for other attacks in Turkey in the current year, said that it carried out the two attacks on Saturday evening, which shocked in a country that is still trying to recover from a failed coup attempt and the many bombings  since the beginning of the year. The Saturday attacks took place near Vodafone's stadium of Besiktas football team after almost two hours of the end of the match at the stadium, and it seemed that the attacks targeted the police ...�(Ankara-Reuters, 11/12/2016). Then the death toll increased: �The death toll from the bombings of Istanbul, which occurred day before yesterday on Saturday evening, to 44 dead, at least, depending on the results published by the Ministry of Health and reported by the Turkish media. The Health Minister Recep Okdag said in front of the parliament in Ankara, �it is very painful to lose 36 of our police and 8 of our civilians in a bloody attack.� (London: Middle East Online, 12/12/2016)
2- As for the bombing on 17/12/2016, it was not adopted by any party so far, but Turkish officials have said in their statements that the bombing (today) is similar to the bombing of last Saturday, 10/12/2016. �In the same context, Numan Kortolmos, the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister said that the materials used in the car bomb attack on a bus carrying soldiers outside their shift in the central province of Caesarea (Kayseri) is similar to those used in the bombings of Istanbul last week. Kortolmos made the statement during an interview with the NTV television station. No one has claimed responsibility immediately for the attack, which killed 13 people and wounded 55 others ...� (, Saturday, 17/12/2016), �For his part, the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said that the PKK was responsible for the attack. Erdogan explained in a statement "that a separatists terrorist organization" is responsible for the attack, pointing to a link of such attacks to the developments in Iraq and Syria. The Turkish President used the term �separatists terrorist organization" repeatedly to refer to the PKK, which the United States, the European Union, and Turkey included in a list of terrorist organizations.� (, Saturday, 17/12/2016)
Therefore, it is more probable that those who carried out the bombings on 17/12/2016 and the two bombings on 10/12/2016 is the same perpetrator. i.e. the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons or known as TAK.
3- As for the background of this organization and its reality, we will explain after shedding light on the the change developments in the PKK after the arrest of its founder Ocalan:
A- Following the arrest of Ocalan in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, a six-member committee was formed for the leadership of the Kurdish community system, and this system is characterized by a very complex composition compared to the Kurdish parties in other parts of Kurdistan. The system practically consists of four major parties that each include tens of organizations of youth, students, women, social, civil service and security committees ... and these parties are: the PKK in Turkey, the Democratic Union Party in Syria, and Democratic solution Party in Iraq, the Party of Free Life in Iran "PJAK." Each of these parties, have its own leadership and organization, but eventually they subsume within the framework of the Kurdish community system headed since 1999 by Murat Kara Whelan.
B- The PKK during the mandate of Murat Kara Whelan softened its positions in Turkey. Since the capture of Abdullah Ocalan in 1999 the goals of the PKK was reduced from demanding the full independence for Kurdistan to gaining the cultural rights and a form of self-rule limited to the Turkish Kurds and this was after agreements between the Turkish government and Ocalan took place, which were planned by America, and therefore the calm that subsequently followed between the PKK and the Turkish government as a result.
C- The relationship between the PKK and the Turkish government during the term of Murat Kara Whelan continued with calm and softness as drawn by the United States, in steps to calm the situation between the Turkish government and the Kurds, and the means to calm tensions continued between the two sides, especially as of late 2012:
16/12/2012: The President of the Turkish intelligence service, "Hakan Fidan," visited Imrali Island and met with Abdullah Ocalan.
9/12/2012: Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on TRT, the government channel, of holding meetings with Ocalan.
21/3/2013:  Abdullah Ocalan�s speech was read out in front of crowds celebrating the festival of Nowruz, in it he called for renouncing violence and to start the political struggle.  Ocalan then said the following phrase: "It's time to give up weapons and the withdrawal of the armed elements outside Turkish territory. This does not mean the end of the conflict. But it means the beginning of the struggle of a different kind."
�The United States welcomed the call of the  PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan yesterday for the PKK rebels to "lay down their arms," ??and it described it as "a positive step", and the Turkish government also welcomed it, but it angered the nationalist Turks... The spokeswoman for the State Department Victoria Nuland the "Ocalan's ceasefire declaration could help end the" continuing tragic violence for more than three decades in Turkey. " Nuland added that the United States applauds as well " the courageous efforts made by the Turkish government and all parties concerned to achieve a peaceful solution that will strengthen democracy in Turkey ...� (Al, 22/03/2013)
4/4/2013: The formation of a committee of �wise men�, consisting of 63 people, began to travel across Turkey to engage in dialogue in order to reach an agreed upon solution to the Kurdish issue.
25/4/2013: Murat Garaalan, one of the leaders of the Qandil Mountain in front of hundreds of journalists announced that the organization will begin the process of withdrawing from Turkish territory as of 8/5/2013.
D- This calm in tensions and this soft policy continued throughout the leadership of Murat Kara Whelan then things started to shift towards harshness after Jamil Bayek took leadership, a decade after the Ninth Conference of the PKK and the election of Bayek as a successor to Murat: �The Ninth Conference of the PKK was held last June and July, in Qandil with the participation of 162 members, changes in the leadership of the party took place, and  Bayek replaced Kara Whelan, he was ahead of Whelan by three voices ...� (KDP website, 6/11/2013)
The change in the presidency of the Committee in the eyes of some Kurdish and Turkish political circles is seen as a coup against the previous stage, since there was election of an entire new leadership committee composed of six people (three men and three women), headed by the senior leader Jamil Bayek. It could be argued that the change in leadership of the party in the conference was a new turn in the party's strategy, both at the level of a fully elected a new leadership, or the policy to be followed in the next stage ... and subsequent events indicate that policy:
      5/7/2013: Jamil Bayek one of the military leaders of the organization of the PKK in the Qandil Mountain was chosen and with him, Bese Hozat for the presidency of the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK).
      31/7/2013: Jamil Bayek made statements to the British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC, in which he stressed that the organization will stop the process of withdrawal if the Turkish government did not take concrete actions until the 1st of next September. Not only this, but he gave a warning that includes the return of the forces that pulled back into Turkish territory.
      19/8/2013: Jamil Bayek said that in case of failure of the process of national reconciliation, the security situation inside Turkey will deteriorate even more than before.
      9/9/2013: The Union of Turkish communities KCK announced that the withdrawal of the forces of the organization of the PKK from Turkish territory has stopped completely.
      3/12/2013: Jamil Bayek delivered a speech on the latest developments in Turkey, in which he said: "If the situation continues like this, then there must be a war in Turkey. We gave the Turkish government an opportunity to fulfill our demands until next spring, these demands have been achieved by the Turkish government, the problem will be resolved through conciliation. But if our conditions are not accepted, then we cannot continue like this with the Turks. "
      20/12/2014: Jamil Bayek said: "The abandonment of the arms serves as a death for them."
      12/6/2015: The Chairman of the Democratic People�s Party, Salahuddin Dimirattash said, "The PKK organization can lay down its arms in answer to the appeal of its leader, Abdullah Ocalan. To which the Kurdish Communities Union replied: "Everyone should be aware of the following fact: the decision of abandonment of the armed struggle against the Turkish state is completely up to us to us and no one has the right to express their opinion in this regard. Everyone must also know that the Democratic People�s Party does not represent our political wing, and therefore the leaders of the Democratic People�s Party can not ask us to abandon arms, and we do not believe that our leader Abdullah Ocalan will ask us to give up arms within the current conditions and circumstances ... We would like everyone to know that our decision not to give up arms does not mean our rejection to Ocalan's demands and we are not aiming to block the political work of the Democratic People�s Party.  "
      12/7/2015: The Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) said on ??Sunday, that the cease-fire agreement with Turkey since 2012 has ended, citing the reason being the �building of the Turkish state of dams and military sites� ... This came in a statement issued by the co-presidency of the Executive Council of the Kurdistan Communities Union, KCK, in which it stated: The Turkish state violated the truce conditions. (ARA NEWS 12/7/2016)
      14/7/2015: One of the heads of the Kurdish community system, Bessie Hozat wrote an article published in �zg�rG�ndem (Free Agenda) Newspaper under the title: "The next stage, the stage of the war, which will be carried out by the rebellious people in Turkey."
E- From all the above it can be seen that the PKK during the term of Murat was closer to the US line, through the implementation of the US agreed truce between the Turkish government the PKK, and that stage has culminated in a peace agreement between them in March 2013 ... and during that period some Kurds� grumbling led to splits and objections ... The calm atmosphere during the term of Murat Kara Whelan (1999-2013) have angered some of the Kurds because they saw that they included some concessions ... In this atmosphere, the split of the organization of the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons or the so-called TAK from the Kurdistan Workers' Party in 2004 took place, ever  since its inception in 1993, it was linked to the PKK, it and now operates independently they claim. The organization TAK stress that their organization is an independent organization and it is not linked to any one; they introduce themselves as "commando forces", structurally, and their basic goal is to hit the military infrastructure of the Turkish army and the sabotage of the tourism sector...  The first of its operations was in 2005, targeting a bus of tourists, killing five people and injuring 20 others. Like Turkey, as of 2008, TAK organization is considered a terrorist organization by the United States, and entered the list of foreign terrorist organizations, and it is also considered so by the EU.
F- After the change that has occurred in the Ninth Conference and the advent of the Bayek�s leadership in the elections of July 2013, the PKK became more incline to the English (policy) line targeting Erdogan and his government with material acts like bombings and killings. This is reflected strongly on the agenda of the Falcons, especially during the current year. The atmosphere helped the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons to double their operations against the Turkish security forces, and so they escalated their activity in this period. To shed light on those operations since late last year and have intensified this year, like the last operation on 17/12/2016, we can see this clearly:
      December 2015 - the targeting of Sabiha Gokcen Airport in Istanbul with missiles attack led to the death of an employee
      February 2016 - a car bomb attack in Ankara, killing 28 people, mostly soldiers
      March 2016 - a car bomb in Ankara led to the killing and wounding of dozens
      June 2016 - a car bomb in Vzenjalar neighborhood of Istanbul killed 11 people and wounded 35, mostly police
      October 2016 - a motorcycle bombing in Yeni Bosna neighborhood of Istanbul, wounding 10
      November 2016 - a car bomb at the gate of the state building of Adana in southern Turkey, killing two civilians, wounding dozens
      10 December 2016 - a double bombing in the Besiktas district, killing 44 people, mostly police and injuring about 200
      17 December 2016 � a bombing: 13 soldiers were killed on Saturday and 48 others were wounded, including civilians, in a car bomb explosion near the Arges University, located in the state of Caesarea, central Turkey, according to a statement issued by the Turkish armed forces... And according to security sources: "The car bomb exploded near the entrance of Arges University, next to a bus carrying military personnel who were going away for the weekend� Police and ambulances rushed to the scenes, which resulted in the deaths and injuries, who were taken to hospitals in the state amid intense security measures." (CNN Arabic website, 17/12/2016)
G- Studying all of the above we can see that the political background of the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons is as follows:
After Jamil Bayek announced in 20/12/2014: "The abandonment of the arms serves as a death for them", the Kurdistan Workers Party, led by Bayek became more radical, this saw the peak in 12/7/2015, when the Kurdistan society system, KCK, led by Bayek, announced the end of the cease-fire with the Erdogan�s government ... simultaneously TAK became more active, carrying out material acts against the vital interests of the Turkish government. specially security, and recently we saw the two operations on 10/12/2016 and 17/12/2016.
This means that  most probably  the background of the TAK is in harmony Bayek  which is  near the (policy) line of Europe, especially Britain, against the pro-American  rule of Erdogan.
H- What confirms this is that Jamil Bayek, one of the founders of the PKK said on 15th March 2016, to the British newspaper, The Times: "We want to overthrow Erdogan's Justice and Development Party, because as long as Erdogan and his party is in power, there will be no democracy in this country," ... (BBC, 15/03/2016)
Also, the head of the Republican People's Party, Britain�s agent, Klajaddar Oglu said in the 72nd Conference of the General Assembly of the Union of Turkish Chambers and Exchange Commission, (TOBB) in the capital, Ankara, "What is this presidential system? One person will speak and Turkey remains silent ... This presidential system can not be applied in this country without bloodshed." ( 13/5/2016)
I- All of this shows that those behind the recent bombings in Istanbul are the British. As for the motive behind it is not out of the following things:
To create a state of instability to the pro-American regime in Turkey, to continue the work of those who attempted the last coup, carried out by British agents, they no doubt realize that it is not easy to change this regime in Turkey since Erdogan has created strong pillars for America in Turkey, but this can influence and bring instability, which if repeated may weaken the pillars of the regime.
This is on the one hand and on the other hand, the parliamentary system in Turkey was established by England, by its agent Mustafa Kamal after he demolished the Khilafah in 1924, which means that Britain is the spiritual father of the parliamentary system in Turkey, so Erdogan, backed by America wants to close that door forever, by changing the

parliamentary system to a presidential system and giving the president more powers; however, Britain does not want this presidential system... The head of the Republican people's Party, the British agent, Klajaddar Oglu said that the presidential system can not be applied in this country without bloodshed. The Turkish newspaper "Sabah" wrote in one of its  headlines, "he insults the Council, the people, and politics,"  referring to the statements made by the Republican people's Party, "Klajaddar Oglu", in which he said: "you can not implement the presidential system without bloodshed" (Turkey Post, 13/5/2016)
The bottom line is that Britain wants the killings and bombings carried out by its supporters, including the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons, so as to kill two birds with one stone: creating instability in the pro-American Turkish regime, and at the same time, stand strong in the face of any attempt by Erdogan to declare the presidential system instead of a parliamentary system. As for the thought that such actions will lead to a self-governing region, it is unlikely at least in the foreseeable future.
In conclusion, it is really painful that the blood of Muslims is spilled not for the sake of Islam and the Ummah of Islam, but to achieve the interests of the Kaffir colonists ... However, this Ummah of good will rise again, Allah willing, and the events of the history of this Ummah is  the best evidence. Who expected that the Ummah of Islam after it was conquered by the Crusaders and the Tartars who destroyed the capital of the Khilafah in Baghdad, and they turned the Tigris� sparkling clear colour to red mixed with black due to the amount of blood (of Muslims killed) that was mixed with ink of manuscripts thrown in it, who  expected the rise of this Ummah again, and to open Constantinople? Who would have expected it? But Allah has men who do not sleep and ignore the oppression and will not remain silent on the injustice until things truly are put in place and re-establish the righteous Khilafah, and they represent:
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�Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration.� [Al-Ahzab: 23]
And truly and honestly,
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�Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent�[At-Talaq: 3]

21 Rabii� I 1438 AH
20/12/2016 CE

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